Doctors named the causes of eye twitching
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Eyelid twitching can be caused by various factors. This condition can indicate both stress and fatigue, as well as more serious diseases.
The most common causes of eye twitching were named by Mayo Clinic specialists. These include:
- alcohol consumption;
- bright light;
- excess caffeine;
- fatigue;
- irritation of the eye surface or inner eyelids;
- smoking;
- stress;
- wind or air pollution.
Also, experts talked about benign essential blepharospasm – this is a movement disorder (dystonia) of the muscles around the eye. No one knows exactly what causes this condition, but researchers believe that it may be related to the improper functioning of certain cells in the nervous system.
Other conditions that sometimes indicate eyelid twitching include:
- keratoa;
- dry eye disease;
- blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
- light sensitivity;
- uveitis (one form of eye inflammation, the cause of which can be infection, trauma, autoimmune or inflammatory disease).
It is noted that in rare cases, twitching of the eyes can be a sign of certain diseases of the head of the brain and nervous system, which are established by doctors. However, in such situations, twitching is almost always accompanied by other signs and symptoms.
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