Doctors named the main foods that are rich in vitamin K

Experts often remind about the need to replenish vitamin C and D in the body. However, doctors urge not to forget the benefits of vitamin K, which is so necessary for health.

Many people do not even know about such a substance that prevents dangerous diseases.

This vitamin is necessary for generation of special proteins used by the body to improve blood coagulation, which allows you to exclude heavy bleeding as a result of cuts and injuries.

Doctors have named ELLE products that will help fill the daily need for vitamin K.

Among them are spinach, Swiss chard, watercress, broccoli, cabbage, celery, asparagus and prunes. It is noted that in the case of vitamin K deficiency, the amount of proteins in the plasma is significantly reduced, which can lead to severe blood loss even with minor cuts.

It is also necessary for the growth and strengthening of bones, which is especially important in old age. when the body becomes more fragile.

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Author: alex

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