Doctors named the main signs of the formation
Doctors named the main features that indicate a thrombus. According to experts, this blood clot in the lumen of the blood vessel can occur in almost every person, but patients often ignore the symptoms of a dangerous process. This symptom is manifested on the background of impaired blood supply due to problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, the formation of a blood clot is indicated by a sudden cut in a leg that grows rapidly. Patients often confuse this sign with convulsions, but in this case, the unpleasant sensations take a minute, and with thrombosis, the acute condition persists for several hours. The blood clot in the lungs indicates the signs that resemble the symptoms of bronchitis. A person can be tormented by a cough. At the same time, she does not breathe on full breasts and she has a lack of oxygen.
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