Doctors named the most useful nut for blood vessels

High blood pressure occurs when the blood is stronger than normal presses on the walls of blood vessels. It puts extra strain on blood vessels, the heart, and other organs such as the brain, kidneys, and eyes.

Over time, this can increase the risk of a number of serious and potentially life-threatening conditions, such as heart disease.


There are natural ways to deal with high pressure. One of them can be a popular nut. According to the Express, it is about peanuts.

A new study conducted at Purdue University in the USA involved more than 150 men and women who included peanuts in their daily diet for 12 weeks. The results showed that all varieties of peanuts significantly lowered mean diastolic blood pressure in all participants.

For people with high blood pressure, the changes were greatest during the first two weeks of the study and persisted through 12 weeks.

According to professor of dietetics Richard Matts, this may be due to the high content of arginine in peanuts. This substance helps the production of nitric oxide, which promotes the relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

Peanuts contain more arginine than any other nut, doctors note. It is also rich in magnesium and potassium. These two minerals are also necessary to regulate blood pressure.

To achieve the greatest result, nutritionists advise to abandon salted peanuts. Abuse of salt is considered one of the important causes of high blood pressure.

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Author: alex

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