Doctors named the positive properties of purple products for human health
The doctors told about the benefits of purple products. According to their statement, they contain quite a lot of vitamins and trace elements that have a positive effect on human health.
The products have a purple color due to a useful substance that has certain properties. For example, purple fruits and vegetables, such as eggplant and grapes, contain antioxidants that are important for health because they bind free radicals and protect the body's cells.
They also contain anthocyanins, which represent are plant flavonoids. With their help, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and stroke is prevented. According to research, people using these products have a 32% lower risk of heart attack.
These products also improve memory and help you think clearly. They have a lot of polyphenols, which have a good effect on the mental process. Regular consumption of anthocyanin-enriched vegetables and fruits improves vision and brain function.
If the diet contains a lot of fatty foods, you should add potatoes with purple skin. It accelerates the metabolism and functioning of the heart. It is recommended to enrich the menu with dark grapes, blackberries, blueberries, black currants, figs, plums, acai berries, red onions, red basil, eggplants.
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