Doctors named the symptoms of spinal hernia

Doctors named five major symptoms of spinal hernia. The main causes of the disease include a sedentary lifestyle or excessive loads. Doctors carry out complex treatment, in some cases surgery is required. Following this, the nucleus of the bone element is shifted. The first sign of hernia is periodic pain in the lower back, in the cervical and back as a whole. In some cases, repeated “shot”, especially with sharp movements. With such symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctors. Treatment of the disease is based on the use of drugs. However, classes in physical education (exercise therapy) are conducted. This method will not help to get rid of the disease, but will eliminate its symptoms. More advanced cases require surgery. Doctors warn that untimely treatment can cause serious consequences: swelling, constant pain, paralysis of the bladder, intestines and feet. Along with this, there is a rise in the risk of fractures.

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Author: alex

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