Doctors named the types of pain caused by vitamin D deficiency
Doctors from the UK told about the types overall health, as it helps to maintain muscles, bones and teeth healthy. The active substance is necessary to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphates in the body. Its disadvantage can lead to serious complications, including osteomalacia, rickets or some deformities. According to expert Francis Prytzler, more than 70% of all people suffering from muscular pain are lack of “solar” vitamin.
“discomfort is explained by the fact that the deficiency can lead to the sensitivity of the receptors in the muscles. Most people do not realize that they are inferior, as the symptoms are usually difficult. You can not recognize them, even if they have a significant negative impact on the quality of life, ”the expert said. Other types of muscle pain include fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle cramps, influenza, Lyme disease. The best sources of active substance are: fatty fish, eggs, mushrooms.
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