Doctors named the way to determine the likelihood of living up to 80 years
doctors from Japan and a large-scale. longer. It turned out that if a 70-year-old man or woman continues to maintain the former speed and intensity of walking, then the chances of living for at least ten years are almost 100%. 10 years after the beginning of the study, experts recorded a tendency to increase the intensity of movement by an average of 5-10% in the average inhabitant of Japan. According to doctors, this testifies to the continuation of youth among the population and the onset of old age, which is accompanied by a period of powerlessness and infirmity, a few years later than it was. At a young age, the speed of walking varies in the area of 1.5 m/s and if the same indicators persist for up to 70 years, then human chances of long -lived grow. If the speed falls to 0.5 m/s, then only 15-35% of men can live for another 10 years, and in women this figure is slightly higher.
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