Doctors named vitamins that are dangerous to take on your own

More and more vitamin supplements are appearing in pharmacies , but some of them are dangerous to take without a doctor's prescription. Doctors told about it.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene were at the top of the list. They are good for vision, skin and bone health. The first is found in dairy products, eggs and meat.

Beta-carotene is present in large quantities in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, as well as in dark leafy salads. At the same time, excessive use of these compounds can be dangerous.

Physicians recommend that pregnant women be especially careful. An excessive amount of these vitamins threatens the development of the fetus.

Vitamin B6 reduces the risk of heart diseases. This compound is found in poultry, potatoes, fish, and non-citrus fruits.

Uncontrolled use may cause pain in the muscles and bones, numbness of the limbs, and impaired gait. The cause of these ailments is damage to peripheral nerves, which develops as a result of excessive presence of B6 in the body.

Next comes vitamin C. It is believed to have a positive effect on the state of the immune system, stimulates collagen synthesis and has antioxidant properties.< /p>

At the same time, large doses of this substance can provoke diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, gastritis, fatigue, insomnia and headache. Doctors advise people with chronic kidney and liver diseases, as well as gout, to be careful.

The list closes with vitamin D. Excessive use of this compound can lead to the appearance of kidney stones, hypercalcemia, and an increased risk of fractures.< /p>

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Author: alex

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