Doctor's opinion: The product required for cancer prevention
About the benefits of pomegranate for the prevention of oncological, heart and autoimmune diseases. diuretic, binder and antiseptic properties, – said the doctor.
pomegranate contains almost all vitamins: A, C, PP, E, B vitamins. iron).
– regular use of pomegranate contributes to the prevention of cancer, cardiac and autoimmune diseases. It is better to eat pomegranate, you can eat separately or add to salads, vegetables, meat and poultry, ”the doctor added. Its juice increases hemoglobin, helping to fight anemia. The bark and fruits have binder properties, so they are effective in diarrhea, colitis, enterocolitis. Grains reduce blood pressure, and the sections of the fruit, dried and added to the tea, soothe the nervous system and adjust the sleep. Decoctions are not allowed. The juice can destroy the tooth enamel, so the mouth should be rinsed. With gastritis of pomegranate juice is contraindicated.
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