Doctors recommend several products for burning belly fat
In order to make the body burn belly fat more intensively, doctors recommend including several foods in the diet. Among them are eggs, celery, hummus.
It is not for nothing that experts strongly recommend fighting fat deposits on the stomach and waist. The so-called visceral fat, which is located not just under the skin, but next to vital organs, including the stomach, liver and intestines, tends to accumulate in the abdominal cavity. Such a neighborhood exposes a person to a serious risk of health problems, since the fat mass produces substances that trigger inflammatory processes.
In order to increase the consumption of fat for energy production and reduce its accumulation on the abdomen, doctors advise to regularly consume several foods , the Express (Great Britain) writes about it. Here is their list.
Coconut oil.According to nutritionists, the product's ability to stimulate belly fat burning is due to the large amount of medium-chain triglycerides contained in it – they are quickly metabolized and do not accumulate in the form of fat deposits.
Raspberry. Fresh or frozen, it contains a lot of fiber, which improves the body's response to insulin. As a result, the amount of belly fat is reduced.
Hummus. According to the data, people who regularly consume hummus tend to have a smaller (on average eight percent) waistline. This product is made from chickpeas, which are very rich in fiber. It is estimated that hummus lovers consume 52 percent more fiber, 13 percent more healthy polyunsaturated fats and 20 percent less sugar than those who ignore it. These components have an exceptionally positive effect on the physical form.
Celery. Contains dietary fibers that improve digestion, as well as a lot of vitamin C and calcium – such a set of ingredients with fat-burning properties, makes the figure slimmer. Doctors advise drinking celery juice before meals – it prevents the deposition of fat.
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