Doctors recommended the best vitamin against iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional disorders in the world, doctors believe. About 30% of the population of our planet suffers from this condition. In developed countries, doctors more often detect a lack of iron among pregnant women and women of reproductive age, children under the age of five and the elderly.

According to experts, vitamin C can help eliminate the deficiency. Research shows that it can increase the level of antioxidants in the blood up to 30%. This improves the body's natural defenses against inflammation, Express writes.

Scientists have further studied the safety of vitamin C for patients with iron deficiency anemia (anemia). The study participants were divided into two groups: the first took iron and vitamin C supplements, the second – only iron. According to the results, the treatment in both groups was equally effective.

Doctors note that early signs of iron deficiency often go unnoticed. As the condition worsens, some people develop strange urges to eat things like ice or dirt. If signs of iron-deficiency anemia are detected, experts recommend seeking medical help to prevent further complications.

Iron is found in red and white meat, eggs, and seafood. Its deficiency is common among vegetarians. According to doctors, vitamin C helps the body absorb iron better, so it is recommended to drink orange juice during meals.

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Author: alex

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