Doctors reported unexpected causes of headache

Headache can sometimes cause the most unexpected reasons, doctors say. According to them, in the cold season, the likelihood of encountering severe headache is higher than in summer.

the therapist reported: often a headache that is spasmodic is caused in a bad season by the fact that a person is banally freezing. Pain in such cases can be removed without tablets. Doctors recommend that you massage whiskey or drink hot tea.

Wear warm socks as far as possible, and if you are at home – lower your feet into the hot water basin, ”the doctor shared the doctor. For example, the head can be severely ill with breakfast.

In addition, some foods may cause headaches. According to scientists, the provocative factor reveals the substance tyramine, which is formed by the breakdown of protein in cheese, bacon, smoked meat, chocolate, onions.

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Author: alex

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