Doctors: taking a shower helps clean the arteries from cholesterol

Taking a shower can in some cases bring serious benefits to the health of the cardiovascular system, protect the arteries from dangerous cholesterol accumulation, says pharmacist Hussein Abde.

Clogging of the arteries is one of the notorious consequences of high cholesterol, which leads to serious complications, potentially dangerous for life But there are ways to fight high cholesterol, and one of them is taking a shower. In an interview with pharmacist Hussein Abde, the opinion was expressed that “taking a cooler shower at a certain time of the day can help prevent or reverse cholesterol clogging of the blood arteries”.

The specialist noted that recently more evidence that a cool shower in the morning invigorates and encourages people to take deeper breaths, thereby reducing carbon dioxide levels in the body. In addition, the blood flow is activated and the blood supply to the organs improves. All this has a positive effect on the heart, helps lower blood pressure, and also cleans the arteries from excess cholesterol.

Doctor of Medicine Monika Wassermann agrees that taking a rather cold shower can be useful.


“The action of cold water stimulates blood flow, which helps fight heart problems,” says the expert.

Dr. Wassermann added that a cool shower can help reduce the amount of harmful fat in the body. Under the influence of cool water, the body begins to use brown fat more intensively to warm itself – this process contributes to the reduction of white fat deposits. Its final result can be a decrease in cholesterol, the scientist emphasized.

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Author: alex

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