Doctors talked about the beneficial properties of plums and plum juice
It has long been known that plums are considered a dietary product with medicinal properties. Doctors said that plum juice brings undeniable benefits to the body.
Specialists said that plum juice can help with various diseases and colds. Experts noted that the product will be useful for people suffering from hypertensive diseases, sciatica, and digestive problems. Plum juice is no less useful for people with painful gums. The drink helps with cough and sore throat, and is also effective for toxicosis during pregnancy.
Plums are characterized by choleretic and diuretic properties, increase peristalsis, improve digestion, and also remove excess water and salts from the body. Experts note that when eating plums and plum juice in the morning on an empty stomach, a person will be able to cleanse the body. They have a beneficial effect on the liver, in particular with non-infectious hepatitis.
Plums, especially dark varieties, contain a large amount of vitamin B2, which is necessary for strengthening the nervous system and improving protein metabolism. Also, the fruit contains vitamin P, which helps strengthen blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
Experts conducted research, during which it was confirmed that plums help remove cholesterol from the body, so they are indicated for people suffering from atherosclerosis, diseases of the gall bladder and hypertension.
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