Doctors talked about the benefits of carrot juice in the fight against cancer

Carrot juice is often added to other drinks, as it gives flavor, goes well with many fruits and vegetables. In addition to its taste qualities, carrot juice is known for the fact that it can reduce the risk of many dangerous diseases.

Carrots contain antioxidants that play an important role in the prevention of cancer. Studies show that the use of carrot juice reduces the risk of stomach cancer by 26%.

In addition, scientists suggest that carrot extracts provoke the self-destruction of leukemia cells, preventing the formation of blood cancer, writes the Medical News Today portal. The results of another study show that carrot juice reduces the risk of cancer recurrence among women who have undergone breast cancer.

Carrot juice is known for its high content of vitamin C. Scientists have established a connection between the consumption of this vitamin and the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (COPD), a progressive disease arising from inflammatory reactions of lung tissues. In addition, researchers say that people with COPD consumed significantly less of the substances found in carrot juice, such as carotene, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C.

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Author: alex

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