Doctors talked about the benefits of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is one of the most important vitamins of group B. It is necessary for proper metabolism and the work of the cardiovascular system. Since the trace element is water-soluble, it is easily excreted from the body. However, this means that a person has a constant need for foods rich in B6.

Nutrition experts have listed the benefits of taking the vitamin, the most important of which is the conversion of food into energy. The substance helps with the metabolism of carbohydrates and breaks down proteins into amino acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Vitamin B6 also ensures the health of the heart and brain. In combination with other B vitamins, it helps reduce the level of homocysteine, the excess of which causes the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and negatively affects cognitive abilities.

Vitamin B6 helps synthesize neurotransmitters – dopamine, serotonin and melatonin. A good mood and motivation depend on the first two, and the third is responsible for sleep regulation.

Also, the trace element is necessary to strengthen immunity and prevent anemia. It takes part in the production of hemoglobin, a protein without which the proper functioning of the circulatory system is impossible.

The main sources of vitamin B6 are legumes, chicken, spinach and oranges. The daily amount of vitamin B depends on gender and age. For example, for women over the age of 18, it is no more than 1.4 mg, and for men – no more than 1.7 mg.

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Author: alex

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