Doctors talked about the dangers of plastic packaging
Researchers proved that the substance bisphenol A (BPA), which contains plastic packaging for food, dangerous to health. The compound can have a negative effect on the hormonal background and contribute to obesity.
Often, manufacturers use its variants S (BPS) and F (BPF) as a replacement for bisphenol A (BPA), but they are no less effective on the occurrence of metabolic disorders and obesity in both children and adults, as they have an almost similar structure. Bisphenols are substances called endocrine disruptors. The fact is that they act like hormones, due to which there is a breakdown in metabolism, which entails the accumulation of fat in the body.
This compound can be found in aluminum cans, plastic, and thermal paper and other materials used for product packaging. Therefore, to minimize the health effects of BPA, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of food sealed in this way. It is also contraindicated for heating in the microwave.
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