Doctors talked about the harm of cheap cereals

Certain types of cereals are harmful to eat, because they make bones more fragile and provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract. According to doctors, such products are oatmeal, semolina and rice.

According to the version of doctors, in the case of regular consumption of oatmeal, rice and semolina cereals, such a useful element as calcium begins to be washed out of the body. After that, the possibility of getting osteoporosis increases significantly, and unpleasant sensations in the limbs also occur.

Oatmeal contains phytin, which prevents the normal absorption of calcium. Sesame is even less useful, due to which the body cannot fully perceive iron and vitamin D. If a person constantly eats it, then allergic rashes begin to appear. This product is quite high in calories, so it should be avoided by people suffering from extra kilograms.

Rice also proved to be dangerous for health, but it is worth emphasizing that we are talking about polished white groats. In the process of processing, it gets rid of almost all vitamins, while retaining a large amount of starch. Regular eating of rice does not allow the intestines to work normally, it also harms those who have constipation and are overweight.

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Author: alex

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