Doctors talked about the influence of a person's posture in a dream on his health
The posture in a dream is usually chosen unconsciously by a person, but it can significantly affect his health. How exactly, German experts said.
Referring to a study published by the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, doctors said that people who sleep on their right side are twice as likely to suffer from heartburn and digestive problems than those who sleep on their right side. to the left.
“Those who prefer to sleep on their right side often have stomach problems. This is due to the fact that stomach acid in this position of the body can easily get back into the esophagus. In addition, this position complicates the work of the pancreas, as the stomach presses on it,” the experts explained.
In addition, doctors note, the impact on the health of the position on the side can be determined by the way the hands are positioned and legs of a sleeping person.
“For example, the position of the embryo with bent arms and legs often leads to pain in the neck and back. For the health of the back, it is better to sleep on the side in a position when the upper leg is slightly bent and the lower leg is extended”, experts shared.
People who have a habit of sleeping on their backs are warned by doctors: this position can provoke tongue falling back into the throat. At the same time, the airways narrow – as a result, snoring occurs. If the narrowing is significant, breathing may stop altogether.
“People who sleep on their back alone may not know anything about it. “Snoring with respiratory arrests during sleep threatens the development of health-threatening consequences, such as high blood pressure and accelerated heart rate, which increase the risk of heart attack and stroke,” the doctors warned.
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