Doctors told about the danger of eating boiled eggs


doctors do not recommend eating raw eggs, however , they should not be digested. If the cooking process lasts more than 10 minutes, potentially dangerous toxic compounds can be formed. Drinking the content of raw, there is a danger of infection with salmonella, which cause acute intestinal poisoning. With large quantities of boiled eggs, some disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver are possible. During the splitting of the protein in the body, a large amount of urea is formed, with the paired organ in enhanced mode.

men are not recommended to eat a lot of this product to preserve the erection. Cholesterol plaques, when entering the prostate gland, disrupt blood circulation in it, as a result, it can cause cancer. Every day it is allowed to eat one yolk and three proteins. In this case, the body receives a permissible dose of biotin, omega-3, phosphorus, vitamins A, E, K and B12, calcium, folic acid and selenium.

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Author: alex

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