Doctors told about the deadly danger of a harmless symptom


such a common phenomenon as noise in the ears can be a symptom of serious illness.

tinnitus is a good reason to plan Visit to the doctor.

According to medical statistics, tinnitus periodically hears a tenth of all inhabitants of the Earth. The causes and factors of its occurrence can be varied. Or it can be a sign of a ear tube. Still noise in the ears cause adenoids.

Vascular disease can cause tinnitus. Not only noise sensations can occur, but also sounds of pulsation. Sometimes noise occurs if blood pressure increases. However, to determine the exact cause you need to consult a doctor.


cervical osteochondrosis, which depends on blood circulation and nerve endings of the human body. sensations. Osteochndrosis has a negative effect on brain function, as blood flow to it is limited. These people are advised to visit the massage therapist, as well as knead the cervical vertebrae with gymnastics.

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Author: alex

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