Doctors told about the six best diets for long-lived people

Changing the diet will help to get acquainted with new products and improve health. However, it can be difficult to choose one particular diet because of their variety. Nutritionists and doctors have compiled a list of the six best diets for longevity.

Doctors told about the six best diets for long-lived people

Doctors consider the Mediterranean diet to be the best diet. They note that this is a simple and stable diet that can be followed throughout life. The diet is known for its variety of plant foods. According to nutritionists, it will help maintain health for a long time, since the products included in the diet are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, which reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

Some studies confirm the effectiveness of intermittent fasting for longevity. So, according to doctors, animals that eat less often live longer. In addition, a study involving 2,000 people also showed a chance for increased life expectancy in patients who observe intermittent fasting.

Doctors urge you to pay attention to the Dash diet – an abbreviation from English stands for dietary approaches to combating hypertension. The diet consists of products that reduce pressure: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Food of animal origin or industrially processed food is excluded or minimized.

Longevity can be achieved with the help of the diet of the countries of the “blue zone” – the regions with the highest concentration of long-lived people are called that. For example, Greece, Japan, Italy, Costa Rica, the state of California in the USA. These countries share a few common principles that promote longevity: a diet of fresh whole foods, mostly plant-based, with added nuts and olive oil. At the same time, the amount of red meat is minimized. In addition, residents of these areas eat in the family circle, communicating, and exclude heavy food before going to bed.

Experts consider the carnivore diet – the diet of carnivorous animals – to be effective. It is explained by the fact that in ancient times agriculture was not sufficiently developed, and people mainly ate hunting.

Meat contains antioxidants that contribute to longevity and health, nutritionists explain. Moreover, it is one of the best sources of vitamin D, omega-3 and other necessary nutrients.

Finally, nutritionists noted a variation of the Mediterranean diet, but with a higher proportion of dairy products. Since they contain the necessary fats and calcium, they are highly valued in a healthy diet. Doctors recommend choosing cheeses, yogurts and sauces based on dairy products. Especially experts consider this diet option useful for women because of calcium and vitamin D.

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Author: alex

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