Doctors told how to harm the habit of drinking tea with sugar


tea should be drunk without adding sugar and sweets. According to doctors, the habit of using sweetened tea regularly harms healthy metabolic processes, provokes obesity and illness.

nutritionists consider tea with sugar a dangerous enemy of a slender figure. Doctors explain that fast carbohydrates from fluid are absorbed by the body most likely, which contributes to the sharp growth of blood glucose. A constant habit of drinking sugar tea leads to the development of insulin resistance and, as a consequence of this unfavorable process, to the appearance of all kinds of dangerous disorders in the work of internal organs and systems, in particular, to the appearance of excess adipose tissue, prediabetes and diabetes of the second type. It is vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system. The study of a group of American scientists under the guidance of Dr. Doug Brown ended with a verdict that lovers of drinking tea with sugar 54% are risking to get dementia. In particular, the high risk of Alzheimer's disease was peculiar to those who added two and a half teaspoons of sugar to tea.

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Author: alex

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