Doctors told that helps normalize the pressure without medication


If the pressure starts to” jump “, to normalize the oak, as well as the physicians, as well as the physicians. Activity. In this way, hypertension can be overcome without medication. It should be noted that from the point of view of modern standards, the pressure within 120/80 is considered normal. Pressure 120/80 to 130/80 is already characterized as increased, and pressure from 130/80 to 139/89 is already hypertension of the first degree that must be treated.

If a person is found to be “beginners hypertension”, doctors recommend that you first view and adjust the diet. What to do:

  • Use low -fat dairy products, fish, lean meat;
  • exclude salty, fried, smoked and canned foods;To use more natural whole products: cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Physical load. These types of activity contribute to the saturation of blood oxygen.

sleep. But it is important to learn not to be nervous about any occasion, to be able not to respond painfully to short-lived problems. However, there are often cases where, even rising to critical values, high pressure does not manifest itself. Moreover, there are people who feel good at the time when the pressure rises, ”said therapist.


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Author: alex

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