Doctors told us what blood pressure should not be lowered
Despite the fact that high blood pressure is dangerous for the body with irreversible consequences, it is necessary to think carefully before taking antihypertensive drugs. This is especially important for people who have a slight increase in blood pressure.
According to the report, many drugs should not be taken in the treatment of hypertension. It has been proven that taking high blood pressure medications can shorten a person's life. Numerous studies have shown that lowering blood pressure in the elderly to generally established norms with the use of medications threatens with a decrease in mental abilities and premature death.
The research data were confirmed by specialists from Germany. For ten years, they monitored a group of volunteers from 1,600 people aged 70 and over. At the end of the study, scientists came to the conclusion that lowering blood pressure is extremely dangerous for the elderly! The risk of premature mortality in the control group that did not take antihypertensive drugs was 40% lower than in those who lowered their blood pressure with medication.
The results of the study showed that the probability of dying in people who maintained their blood pressure within 130-140 was lower than in those who were recommended to lower their blood pressure below 130 mm Hg.
At this stage, scientists need to find out which hypertensive patients in old age can be prescribed medication and which cannot.
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