Doctors told what not to do immediately after eating

After eating, many people begin to feel sleepy and want to “take a nap for half an hour”. As experts explained, this happens due to the fact that blood begins to flow from all organs and is directed to the digestive system. As a result, the brain begins to feel tired and “want to sleep”, which can have unpleasant consequences for health.

However, contrary to a common misconception, it is not necessary that such a dream will cause you to gain extra weight. Only the number of calories eaten can affect this. However, the afternoon rest threatens with its own problems, the main of which are difficulties with digestion.

First of all, heartburn may start to bother you. This condition occurs when excess stomach acid enters the esophagus or throat, causing belching and a sour taste in the mouth. As a rule, it can be provoked by a lying position.

Another nuisance is acid reflux, which occurs when the valve between the stomach and the esophagus does not close completely. Stomach acid also enters the throat and damages the mucous membranes, which can later cause further complications.

Another consequence of the habit of sleeping after eating is a stroke. According to a study conducted by Greek scientists, people who went to bed a few hours after dinner were much less likely to have a stroke. According to researchers, this can be caused by several reasons. According to the first theory, acid reflux is related to sleep apnea, which is known to lead to this fatal condition. According to another, due to the increased work of the body during food digestion, the level of sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood changes, which also eventually leads to an attack.

In this regard, doctors warn that the best go to bed two to three hours after eating. In this way, you can improve not only digestion, but also support the health of the body as a whole.

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Author: alex

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