Doctors told what people after 40 should not do

Doctors talked about what people over 40 are not recommended to do. At this age, it is necessary to pay attention to health.

Forget to train the brain

Dr. Vernon Williams reported on research showing that exercising the brain forms new neural connections. It is worth paying attention to brain training programs. You can study a foreign language, play new sports or build a completely different route to work. With complex exercises – physical or mental – there is an expansion of the nerve pathways, because it requires a purposeful effort.

Poor posture

Doctor Neil Anand explained that back pain caused by poor posture and weak abdominal muscles. They need to be strengthened to relieve painful sensations and prevent aggravation. Poor posture is the main cause of chronic back pain.

Quick Start Workout Program

Dr. Burt Mandelbaum noted, new fitness for non-athletes comes with a risk of injury. It is recommended to follow the safety rules. Preventing injuries allows you to train for a very long time.


Dr. Adam Ramin said that smoking has a negative effect on the general health of a person. Kidneys and bladder are not designed for such a load. This can lead to serious health problems.

Lack of blood pressure monitoring

Doctor Ramin is advised not to forget about periodic blood pressure measurement. If it is not controlled, it will lead to kidney failure.

Gain weight

Obesity can provoke a large number of types of cancer, including bladder and kidney cancer. Excess weight also negatively affects health. A person who has problems with body weight has a chance to prevent the development of obesity.

Lack of screening for low testosterone

The doctor can prescribe the introduction of hormone replacement therapy, which includes testosterone to bring it up to normal.

Ignore prostate health and lack of screening

Most often men prefer not to see a doctor. It is important to have regular check-ups, as your health depends on it.

Ignore colonoscopy

Dr. Ashkan Farhadi recommends the first screening for colorectal cancer at 50 years It has recently been established that this examination should be done at age 45, but it is not the standard of care.

Party all night long

Dr. Stacey J. Stevenson reported that you should not waste your time on night parties. It is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a day for normal well-being. Thanks to this, there is a chance to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes and depression.

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Author: alex

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