Doctors told what will happen to the body if you drink too much tea
Everything is good in moderation, so excessive consumption of tea will lead to negative consequences for the body. Doctors representing the Kyiv Public Health Center commented on the situation.
Tea can disrupt sleep – it contains caffeine, which affects the sleep cycle. It interferes with the action of melatonin (the sleep hormone). Also, when abusing this invigorating drink, a person may lose weight undesirably for himself – the body's ability to digest food decreases.
In addition, tea causes heartburn and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract in some people. Caffeine increases the level of acid in the stomach, which leads not only to heartburn itself, but also to anxiety and bloating.
Excessive consumption of the drink causes headaches, and this applies not only to tea, but also to any caffeine-containing alternative. Some people experience nausea, especially if the tea was brewed on a milk basis.
This effect is associated with tannins. They irritate the digestive tissue and can cause bloating, pain and discomfort in the stomach.
At first, in ancient times, people used tea as a medicine, the drink became widespread during the Chinese Tang Dynasty. Interesting fact: the oldest tea leaf dates back to about 2100 BC and was found during the excavations of the Han Yang Lin mausoleum at the beginning of the 21st century.
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