Doctors told why you shouldn't drink alcohol before bed

Sometimes it's hard to fall asleep, and certain foods and drinks can make it even harder to fall asleep. Including alcoholic beverages, which are often praised for their supposed sleeping properties, can actually interfere with your sleep.

According to doctors, if you want to have a healthy sleep, you need to give up some drinks.

Many people believe that light alcoholic drinks before bed help them fall asleep. But while alcohol can really help you relax in the evening and even help you fall asleep quickly, it prevents you from sleeping soundly and also makes you wake up frequently during the night due to dehydration and the need to go to the bathroom.

That's why doctors advise not to drink alcohol at least three hours before bedtime.

In addition, you should reduce your caffeine intake, as it can also prevent you from falling asleep and preventing quality sleep.

However, eliminating caffeine is more difficult than simply giving up coffee. It can also be found in other products.

These include:

  • Tea;
  • Some carbonated drinks;
  • Chocolate drinks;
  • Energy drinks;
  • Some painkillers;

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Author: alex

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