Doctors voiced the reasons for the constant feeling of cold in the limbs

Regular chills may indicate problems with health Doctors named a number of pathologies that are accompanied by frequent freezing.

Doctors consider persistent cold in the extremities as a symptom of thyroid gland diseases. At the same time, the patient has an increase in body weight, brittle skin and depression.

In addition, medical experts considered constant chills as a symptom of iron deficiency in the body, that is, anemia. Most often, it occurs in people who use harmful products.

Also, doctors note that the feeling of cold is manifested due to lack of sleep. Experts report that this is due to the fact that the lack of sleep has an extremely negative effect on the biorhythm of each person. As a result, there is a hormonal failure and a malfunction of metabolic processes in the body.

Neurologist Ihor Nekrovsky claims that patients suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia often complain of feeling cold. The list of symptoms of VSD also includes increased sweating, the specialist notes.

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Author: alex

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