Doctors: Walnuts rejuvenate the body and prevent tooth decay
Walnuts – it is an affordable product that has great benefits for the body. Doctors claim that they rejuvenate, remove small wrinkles, and prevent tooth decay.
They are nutritious and caloric, thanks to which they are able to saturate the body with useful elements, energize and restore strength. The product improves the composition of blood and rejuvenates it, also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which normalizes pressure.
Nuts are rich in vitamins that have an antioxidant effect. They contribute to the effective removal of toxins from the body, which leads to general rejuvenation of the body.
Nails and hair begin to grow well, and small wrinkles disappear on the skin. As for the teeth, they will not quickly decay and fall out.
Walnuts are also incredibly useful for immunity. They also have a sedative effect, which helps to avoid stress. According to doctors, the product contains zinc, manganese, potassium and magnesium.
Therefore, they are recommended to be included in the diet of patients with increased acidity. If you eat a small portion of nuts every day, you can avoid ulcers and gastritis.
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