Doctors warned about the danger of apples
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The famous English proverb “an apple a day adds health” has a basis , as this fruit is considered one of the most useful. Apples contain a large number of nutrients, including dietary fibers that support the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and vitamin C.
The norm is one or two apples a day. If you eat more, there is a risk of unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences for the body. First of all, there are problems with digestion, including bloating and constipation. Depending on a person's age and gender, the body needs an average of 20 to 40 grams of fiber every day. At the same time, the maximum permissible dose is considered to be 70 grams.
In addition, excessive consumption of apples can provoke spikes in blood sugar. Since the fruit is rich in carbohydrates, it can provide an influx of strength and energy, and even raise the level of the “hormone of happiness” – serotonin. But as little as three or four apples a day can cause glucose fluctuations!
“For people with poor metabolism or diabetes, too much sugar from fruit can also impair insulin sensitivity or affect the effectiveness of diabetes treatment.” , – explained nutritionist Josh Ax.
In addition, too many pesticides can enter the body with apples. Unfortunately, this product regularly tops the list of the “dirty dozen” of the Environmental Working Group, which annually names fruits and vegetables with the most dangerous substances. “The pesticide diphenylamine, a chemical commonly found in apples, is banned in the EU because it is a potential carcinogen,” experts explained.
Another side effect can be excess weight. Since the fruit is rich in useful carbohydrates that fuel the body, doctors recommend eating a maximum of two apples a day.
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