Doctors warned about the symptom of fatty liver disease
Alcohol abuse, hepatitis viruses and obesity – these are three the main risk factors for death from liver disease. Other causes of liver disease include cancer, autoimmune diseases, and genetic or metabolic disorders. Unfortunately, the symptoms of many liver diseases do not appear until serious and sometimes irreversible damage has occurred. Low body temperature is the least known warning sign of the risk of fatty liver, which few people pay attention to.
As fatty liver disease progresses, a person develops:
- fever;
- nausea and vomiting;
- jaundice.
Symptoms are usually absent at this stage, although some may experience weakness, fatigue, or feeling discomfort in the right upper abdomen.
A study published in the US National Institutes of Health Library of Medicine portal further investigated intermittent fever in a patient with apparent fatty liver.
It is reported that a 41-year-old woman presented with a complaint of nonspecific abdominal pain and intermittent hyperpyrexia (38°C).
“A chest X-ray did not reveal a lesion, and a sonography of the liver showed a patchy hypohyperechoic polycyclic area in the anterior-upper parenchyma, compatible with segmental fatty dystrophy of the liver,” the study emphasizes.
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