Does the crown of celibacy really exist and how can it affect a person's relationships with the opposite sex?
In the vast world, there are many people who throughout their lives cannot create their own family. Elderly young ladies are labeled as “old maids,” and men are labeled as “single bachelors.” What prevents them from starting their own families and living “like everyone else”?In appearance, handsome men (beautiful women), respected in society by people around them, are successful at work. But in their personal lives, there is complete calm: no romantic dates, no family, no children. True, women become single mothers from such hopelessness: after all, there will be someone to live for in this world. But many men remain single until old age.
People who understand such a science as esotericism, in such cases write off everything on the “crown of celibacy”, which is prepared for some people by fate itself. Is this really so, or do people doom themselves to loneliness? Let's try to figure it out.
From a non-scientific point of view
Those who are interested in magic, love spells, all kinds of witchcraft and other interesting things are directly or indirectly familiar with the concept of karma and chakras. According to sorcerers, they play a special role in personal relationships between a man and a woman. This is where bachelors and spinsters come from. When the second and fourth chakras are blocked, a situation arises when a woman or a man cannot find a partner for married life, and therefore they live alone.
What do psychics say about hopeless loneliness?
Experts who study energy fields of biological origin have come to an interesting conclusion about people who are unable to find a partner. Psychics who are able to see energy fields note that the aura of each person has a specific shape, resembling a crown with teeth directed inward. The usual aura of people who live in marriage has a slightly different structure.
The origins of the problem
If we leave the magical component alone and do not touch it, attributing almost all problems to it, then the “crown of celibacy” has its origins due to psychological aspects. People do not live in a vacuum, completely immersed in it. They are specifically influenced by various factors, ranging from the love and attention of their mother to the opinions of friends or neighbors on the landing.
For example, if a cruel father constantly beat his mother and caused family scandals, the girl will panic and avoid men, imagining that in the future she will suffer the same fate as her mother. And a young man will not want to start a family, looking at a drunkard – a neighbor, from whom children were taken away, depriving her of motherhood. It will always seem to him that all women are the same, capable only of drunkenness and abuse of their own children. A man would not wish such a fate for his children, which is why he does not want to create his own family.
It follows that most problems people create for themselves, so it is up to them to decide whether to create a family or continue to live alone.
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