Don't borrow these things for no way: give them your destiny and money


It is recommended not to borrow money on Monday, after sunset, before church holidays, and not to pass bread through the threshold or after sunset.

ancestors believed that when you lend things to other people, together with ordinary objects, you can give yourself a part of yourself: It's money. You can never give the last cash you have in the house, even if there are still finances on the card. Signs claim that so you can lose all your earnings.

In addition, some signs also forbid borrowing money on Monday and after sunset. Do not make money in debt and before church holidays or just on big holidays. They do not advise giving money to strangers and on the birthdays of your loved ones – especially children – it can affect their financial good luck.You can never borrow bread – it may seem to be poverty to your family. And it is especially important to make sure that you do not have the last piece of bread. If your neighbors ask you a little bread, it is worth giving it simply, not to borrow.

An important sign also states that you can not transfer bread across the threshold and give after sunset – only you will call for yourself. However, the signs claim that it is not necessary to do so. It is believed that if you pass on someone else's clothes, you can convey both happiness and health with it. But you can sell clothes – so if you are asked for a thing, take a symbolic ransom for it – one coin.

also, if you want to share your clothes, be sure to wash it, and sprinkle it with holy water. Esoterics are also advised before giving your shoes to someone, filling a little salt inside – it will prevent the transition to you negative energy and trouble from another person.

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Author: alex

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