Don't Ignore Burping: 5 Health Problems Make It More Frequent
If you are burping more often than usual, don't ignore it as it could be a similar health problem.
Here are some medical conditions that make burping more frequent.
Gastritis. It is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa and creates prerequisites for the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers. In addition, as a result of long-term chronic inflammation, malignant changes in cells can begin, leading to a cancerous tumor.
Doctors warn that belching, along with nausea and abdominal pain, is a symptom of this disease.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).This disorder refers to a complex of functional disorders of the digestive system, which are most often accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence, defecation problems (constipation or diarrhea). The cause of the syndrome may be diseases of other organs and systems. In addition to the listed signs, its signal is belching that has become more frequent.
Acid reflux.In the case of this problem, gastric juice with bile is secreted into the esophagus. Such a discharge of acidic content negatively affects the condition of the tissues of the esophagus and larynx, contributes to their damage and in the long run may cause the development of cancer.
Symptoms of reflux (in other words, gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD) are belching, heartburn and a bitter taste in the mouth. Do not ignore these signs, consult a doctor.
Gastric ulcer. It means an ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs – it can occur in the stomach, but also in the intestines, esophagus. Such ulcers are fertile ground for the development of malignant formations. In addition to belching, which is becoming more frequent, pathology is indicated by stomach upset, pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, very dark-colored stool.
Celiac disease. It is an immune and digestive disorder. , whose unpleasant symptoms begin to worsen after eating food with gluten. Gluten is a protein from cereal plants, people with celiac disease are unable to digest it. Symptoms of this disorder include allergic manifestations (eg, skin rash), abdominal pain and bloating, and increased belching.
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