Dough recipe for crispy chebureks with vodka

Did you know that vodka is the secret ingredient for the perfect cheburek dough? It evaporates during frying, leaving a crispy and bubbly crust. This method has long been proven by experienced chefs, and now it is available to you too!


  • flour – 500 g;
  • water (warm) – 200 ml;
  • vodka – 50 ml;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 1 tsp.;
  • oil – 2 tbsp. l.

To make the dough for crispy chebureks, you must first prepare all the ingredients. Dissolve salt in warm water and add vodka. This liquid will become the basis for your dough, which, thanks to the vodka, will get a special texture: bubbly and crispy. Sift the flour into a large bowl, add the egg and gradually pour in the prepared liquid, kneading the dough. When it becomes thick enough, add a few tablespoons of oil – this will help make the dough elastic and soft to work with.

After kneading, leave the dough to “rest” under a towel or plastic wrap for 30-40 minutes. This will allow the gluten to activate, and the dough will become easier to roll out. When it is ready, divide it into equal parts, each of which roll out into a thin layer. The thickness of the dough should be no more than 2 mm, because it is the thinness that ensures crunchiness.

Spread the filling on one half of the rolled dough, leaving the edges free. Fold the dough in half, covering the filling, and pinch the edges tightly. You can use a fork to give them a neat look and prevent juice from leaking out during frying.

Fry the chebureks in a large amount of heated oil. The pan should be deep, and the oil should be hot so that the chebureks quickly become golden brown. Fry on both sides until rich in color, and then place on paper towels to get rid of excess fat.

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Author: alex

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