Dr. Macardel: It is possible to detect dementia on a person's walk
Development of dementia with age scares many scares . According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this disease is present in 55 million people worldwide. It is expected that by 2030 their number will increase to 78 million. Most often people associate dementia with memory problems. However, a new study has shown that a person can tell a lot at the initial stage of the disease. Both options are forms of dementia, the latter is most common and is usually determined by memory problems, while the first is associated with motor problems. and 29 adults over 65 years of age without disease. Then each participant was asked to pass through a rug equipped with sensors to measure walking parameters, including the pace, the distance between every step and the difference between each leg spent on the ground.
The results showed that both groups in which dementia was diagnosed, went differently than representatives of the control group. spent more time on Earth.
researchers note that the results may be useful for identifying the disease at the earliest stages, since most modern methods, such as brain scanning and memory tests, are good for a more advanced stage. Another important point is to distinguish dementia that will allow you to choose more appropriate therapy.
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