Drink for the heart: coffee helps prevent calcification of the arteries

A number of studies show that drinking coffee helps to prevent the process of calcium deposition in the arteries, which leads to the development of severe pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Is coffee good for people with heart disease? Scientists from South Korea answer in the affirmative: their study, conducted on a cohort of 25,000 men and women, showed that the drink effectively prevents calcification of the arteries, a condition caused by atherosclerosis and a physical marker of the vulnerability of the cardiovascular system. Often, calcification of arteries becomes a harbinger of a heart attack.

Doctors state that calcification involves the accumulation of calcium plaques in the arteries, and with age, the probability of their appearance in a person becomes more and more significant. Such plaques coat the inner lining of the aorta and other vessels leading to the heart, obstructing blood flow and increasing the risk of obstruction.

Scientists concluded that “drinking two to three cups of coffee a day can significantly reduce the number calcium deposited in the arteries leading to the heart”.

Researchers attribute the beneficial effect of the drink to the action of antioxidants in coffee beans. In their opinion, daily coffee consumption should be part of the diet for people with heart disease, although caffeine should not be abused – especially if the drink causes feelings of anxiety.

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Author: alex

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