Drink green tea at a particular time
Green Tea is best to drink in the morning, between meals, as well as before training. Otherwise, it may not bring health benefits and even harm it.
One of the best periods for green tea is morning. At this time, the body needs a stimulant to get involved in the work, and the drink contains the right caffeine. At the same time, unlike coffee and other caffeine drinks, green tea also contains L-thein, amino acid, which has a calming effect. L-thein and caffeine work together, improving brain function and mood without negative side effects that can accompany caffeine consumption by itself.
Some studies also show that green tea can be useful before training. In experiments with the participation of men, tea helped to increase fat burning by 17%. Another study with the participation of 13 women showed that drinking 3 portions of green tea a day before training and another portion 2 hours before classes, they accelerated fat burning. For example, its consumption can impair the absorption of nutrients during food: some compounds in green teas may bind minerals in the body and block their absorption. In particular, several studies have shown that the use of green tea while eating can reduce the absorption of iron, which may eventually lead to its shortage. In addition, epigallotechin-3-hallate (EGCG) in green tea can bind to minerals (iron, copper and chromium) and worsen their absorption in the body. Sleep to avoid problems with falling asleep and insomnia. In addition to sleep disorders, the total side effects of caffeine consumption include anxiety, high blood pressure, anxiety and nervousness.
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