Drinking coffee may reduce the risk of developing liver disease: study results

Coffee can reduce the risk of death from liver cirrhosis by 49%. Also, the drink has a positive effect on the work of the kidneys and heart.

The effect of caffeine on the liver was studied by a team at the University of Southampton (Great Britain). According to scientists, diseases of this organ take the lives of about two million people every year.

To find out how coffee can affect the work of the liver, experts have been observing patients with various liver problems for ten years. Among them were 384,000 coffee drinkers and 109,000 non-coffee drinkers.

During their study, the team found that people who drank an average of three up to four cups of coffee per day, had a 21 percent lower risk of developing chronic liver disease compared to the control group.

Also, coffee drinkers had a 49 percent lower risk of death from chronic liver disease and a 35 percent lower risk of fatty liver disease. the studied drank decaffeinated, instant or natural ground coffee. The effect was uniformly positive.

Oliver Kennedy, lead author of the study, noted: “Overall, coffee appears to be beneficial for many health indicators. This applies not only to chronic liver diseases, but also to other diseases, such as chronic kidney disease and some types of cancer.”

At the same time, doctors noted that relying only on coffee in the fight for a healthy liver is not worth it. . It is necessary to monitor body weight, adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, do sports, regularly visit doctors, and also not abuse alcohol and tobacco.

The liver is one of the most important internal human organs, a gland that performs more than 500 vital functions functions. The organ controls most of the chemicals in the blood and produces bile, which helps remove waste products and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion.

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Author: alex

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