Drinking tea can have side effects
Drinking tea is associated with a number of side effects, especially when its quantity is abused.
As a rule, the harm caused to health by drinking tea is explained by its excessive quantity.
“Most experts consider three to four glasses of this drink to be a safe dose of tea: 710-950 ml.”
At the same time, individual characteristics affect the body's susceptibility to tea. People may be sensitive to smaller amounts of tea. The publication's experts state that the side effects that occur after tea are associated with the action of such components as caffeine and tannins: in some cases, the body is particularly susceptible to them.
One of the harmful properties of tea is the suppression of iron absorption processes (this effect is created by its tannin compounds).
“Tea tannins reduce the absorption of iron by binding to it and removing it from the body. If a person has low iron levels, tea should be drunk with caution,” experts advise.
Also, do not forget that tea contains caffeine. Consuming large amounts of caffeine every day leads to the fact that the sympathetic nervous system of a person is unnecessarily stimulated. As a result, a person begins to feel constant tension, cannot relax, and experiences insomnia, anxiety, and irritability. In addition, caffeine is a known headache trigger.
Another unpleasantness associated with drinking tea is irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
More sensitive people may experience stomach pain and nausea after drinking just one or two cups of tea.
But even for those who do not feel discomfort after tea, experts advise drinking it in moderation. Tea, as a plant, is able to absorb toxins from its soil. For example, it is known that different types of tea can absorb lead.
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