Drinks that help with stomach pain

If you brew fresh lemon balm or chamomile tea, it can settle the stomach. German experts talked about drinks that help with pain in it.

A fatty lunch in the cafeteria, constant stress or a reaction to medication: there are quite a few reasons for stomach upset and the appearance of pain. The most common triggers of this disorder are a too dense and hearty meal or a stressful day – as a result, the food lies like a stone in the stomach, and there is obvious discomfort.

Doctors have reported which drinks help with stomach pain, writes Naturarzt magazine. (Germany).

Lemon balm. Melissa essential oil has an antispasmodic effect, dispels flatulence. For tea, pour two to four teaspoons of dried lemon balm leaves with a glass of boiling water and let the drink steep for five to ten minutes. Drink three or four cups during the day.

Anise-fennel-cumin. If there are too many gases in the stomach and intestines, which put pressure on the diaphragm and heart, a mixture can relieve the unpleasant condition anise, fennel, cumin in equal parts. Grind them just before cooking so that the essential oils do not evaporate prematurely. Pour one or two teaspoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let the drink infuse for five minutes. If you have stomach problems, it is useful to drink one or two cups daily in small sips.

Chamomile. The oil contained in chamomile relieves inflammation, spasms, and promotes wound healing. Pour a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, insist for five minutes. Three or four cups between meals will help if painful symptoms are present.

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Author: alex

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