Early carrots will be big and sweet: a step-by-step scheme for sowing before winter
Winter sowing has many advantages. It is worth taking into account at least the fact that in the spring everyone will be working and making beds, and you will already have everything ready. All that remains is to wait for the harvest. Experts have described a detailed scheme for sowing carrots.
Scheme for winter sowing
It looks like this:
Place. It should be sunny and without the risk of flooding from melting snow and rain.
Fertilizer. When digging, add a bucket of compost and 1 cup of ash. This is calculated per 1 sq. m.
Marking. The following geometry applies to beds: furrow depth – 3 cm, row spacing – 15-20 cm.
Substrate for furrows. When sowing seeds, cover them with a mixture of 2 parts soil, 2 parts compost, 1 part sand and 1 cup of chalk.
Mulching. Cover the crops with leaves. To prevent it from scattering, you can put branches on top.
The most common question is when exactly to sow. The soil should freeze 5-6 cm. If you plant seeds in warm soil, they will germinate ahead of time. And this will lead to wasted work. Early and mid-season crops are used for sowing.
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