Early signs of cancer: 5 body signals that are better not to ignore

The earlier a person detects the presence of cancer, the better the prognosis for therapy and survival – therefore, some physical signals of the body should not be ignored.

Johns Hopkins Medical School experts talked about possible early signs of cancer and advised to pay attention to some “body signals”. The appearance of these symptoms does not necessarily indicate cancer, but to be safe, you must visit a therapist if you notice them.

Unexplained weight loss. Doctors call the syndrome weight loss with cancer “cachexia”: it is characterized by increased metabolism, loss of skeletal muscles, fatigue, loss of appetite. Up to 40% of patients notice their strange exhaustion, weakness, weight loss as the first signal of the disease.

Fatigue.The feeling of fatigue in cancer patients differs from the loss of energy in the case of overtiredness or lack of sleep. A cancerous tumor absorbs nutrients received by the body. Such “theft” provokes an extremely strong decline in strength.

“Fatigue that does not go away after rest can be an early sign of cancer.”

Fever. Fever can be a common symptom of colds and flu and goes away on its own. But it can also be a sign of cancer. Here are its characteristics: it activates at night, occurs in the absence of infectious symptoms, provokes severe night sweats.

Pain. If you feel pain for a long time, the cause of which you cannot explain, it is necessary to discuss it with a doctor.

Skin changes. Unusual moles, bumps or thickening, constantly bleeding wounds on the body – this is always a reason to visit the doctors and check these violations. Yellowing of the skin can also indicate a possible infection or cancer. Ulcers of the mucous membrane can also signal the occurrence of oncopathology: for example, they are an early sign of oral cavity cancer.

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Author: alex

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