Early signs that you're not drinking enough – 'not to be ignored'
Water is a great sugar-free drink that contains no calories and vital to your health. But do you drink it enough?
It's important to be aware of the early signs of dehydration, as 65 percent of respondents don't realize that bad breath can be a sign that you need to drink more water. Aside from bad breath, dry mouth is another obvious sign that your body needs hydration. 45 percent did not understand that dark urine is a warning sign of dehydration.
Bad breath, dry mouth and dark urine are early warning signs that should not be ignored.
“Dehydration can lead to a number of health problems.”
Examples include “constipation, muscle fatigue, headaches, and urinary tract infections (UTIs) – to name a few.”
When your fluid levels are not adequate, there is an increased risk of UTIs. This is because aging kidneys are unable to concentrate your urine, so the bladder fills up more quickly with more dilute urine.
This can lead to numerous complications, including confusion, falls, acute kidney injury, and hospitalization, especially in the elderly.
Health risks of dehydration
Dehydration can also lead to “fuzzy thinking,” mood swings, and kidney stones.
Health benefits of drinking water
Hydration means the body can regulate its temperature more effectively, joints get more lubrication and cushioning, and the spinal cord is better protected.
Water also helps the body eliminate waste through urination, sweating, and bowel movements.
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