Early symptoms that can be noticed during the development of dementia
One of the key signs of dementia is memory loss, but doctors also point to other manifestations of acquired dementia.
Dementia is a condition that belongs to a group of disorders that affect the functioning of the brain. There are different types of it, the most common being Alzheimer's disease (it accounts for 50 to 75 percent of all diagnosed cases of dementia). Elderly women are particularly susceptible to this disease: according to WHO, women over 60 are twice as likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease than from breast cancer.
Experts have revealed the early symptoms that can be noticed during the development of dementia, their recommendations were published by The Sun.
Short-term memory loss. This is a typical early sign of dementia. A person increasingly forgets recent events, but remembers facts and details of the past.
Mood swings. Another early symptom of dementia is a significant change in mood or character. Dementia affects judgment and self-awareness, the way a person thinks or acts.
Apathy.As dementia progresses, there is a loss of interest in activities and hobbies that used to be enjoyable, time-consuming, and a topic of discussion. This is often due to how dementia affects thinking and memory.
Confusion. Disorientation, which is increasingly common, is another early sign of brain disease. A person may be doing something, but suddenly lose track of why they are doing it, forgetting the original goal.
Crucial decisions.Patients with dementia tend to perform unusual, thoughtless actions that go beyond their typical behavior.
Loss of sense of direction. If a loved one suddenly has problems with following familiar routes, this may be cause for concern. People with dementia begin to wander and get lost in places they have been to many times before.
Language changes. Difficulty communicating their thoughts and emotions is also a marker of dementia. Dementia affects a person's communication and language – it becomes more and more difficult for him to choose the right words, he uses words in the wrong sense more and more often.
Loss of functions. For people who are exposed to dementia, simple tasks such as making a cup of tea or locking the door can become difficult as brain function and cognitive performance begin to decline. Keeping the house clean, paying bills, putting away groceries are basic life routines that require independent execution and control, and cannot be properly maintained with dementia.
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