Easy to cook and delicious chicken and rice casserole


This is very easy to cook and a delicious meal. There is nothing to lay out in layers, just all products are mixed and baked in the oven. So you can cook with chicken, turkey, pork or fish. And you can supplement with different herbs, vegetables or mushrooms. Today we prepare with chicken fillet.


  • 500 gr. Chicken (lump fillet)
  • 300 gr. rice (cooked to semi -readiness)
  • 2 pcs. Chicken egg
  • 1 pc. Onion
  • 200 gr. sour cream (20%)
  • 70 gr. Solid cheese
  • 1 tsp. Paprika
  • To taste black ground pepper
  • to taste salt

Method of cooking:

1. Chicken breast fillets are cut into small pieces and sent to a deep bowl.

2. Add the boiled rice and chopped onions.

3. Complement all eggs and sour cream. Sour cream gives a wonderful creamy taste.

4. Salt, pepper and add sweet paprika (gives color and pleasant taste). You can still add different greens to taste and your favorite spices.

5. Mix everything well and spread in a greased form. Put in a heated oven at 180 degrees and bake for 45 minutes.

6. Then remove the shape, sprinkle with cheese and cook for about 10 minutes until the cheese is melted. The finished casserole smells stunning.

7. Cut the chicken casserole with rice into portions and serve immediately. It comes out hearty, very gentle and with a wonderful creamy taste.

delicious !!!

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Author: alex

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