Eat more and lose weight – with a new diet, this myth will become a reality

If you dream of losing extra weight, you probably always associate this process with restrictions: in order to lose weight, you will have to experience the feeling of hunger for strength. Fortunately, this is always the case. A volumetric or “bulky” diet is an ideal option for those who are not ready to make such sacrifices even for the sake of getting in perfect shape.

Fortunately, now from every corner it is said that a short-term diet is not the key to success. It is much more important to develop a long-term nutrition plan for yourself that will be easy and simple to follow regularly. The Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet are still popular due to the very specificity of the approach, when following the chosen scheme seems natural, and losing weight does not make you wait a long time.

A moderate approach to a healthier diet is the very principle. volumetric diet. It is quite simple to understand the principle, it is even easier to start following it, and the long-term results cannot fail to please.

It's all about volumes

This diet was developed by Professor Barbara Rolls from Pennsylvania. Its ideology is based on the simple idea that eating more food will make you feel satisfied with food and will not allow the feeling of hunger to arise. Simply put, you should replace some products with others, monitor their combinations – and at the same time, even visually you will like the portions of food. The stomach is physically filled, but the number of calories will be low. There will be no stress while eating, and the stress hormone cortisol is also known to be responsible for weight gain if it is produced by the body in excess.

 Eat more and lose weight – this myth will become a reality

Four food categories

Here, too, everything is very simple: try to eat as much food as possible from the first category , and from the latter – as little as possible.

The first category: this includes all products with a low energy density – those that contain the most water and fiber. This list includes non-starchy vegetables (bell peppers, any leafy greens, green beans, zucchini, all types of cabbage) and fruits (all types of berries, kiwi, citrus), as well as broth-based soups.

Second category: the calorie content will be a little higher, but due to the large amount of protein, the feeling of satiety will come faster. Whole grains, starchy vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and proteins (whole-grain cereals, chicken, lean beef, and white fish) are all on this list.

Category Three: full-fat dairy products , the rest of the meat, white bread. The main thing is to monitor the quantity – the advantage should go in favor of the first category.

Fourth category: there are no surprises here either – all these products are loved by many. The only thing that can surprise you is the presence of nuts and seeds in the list, which, although very useful, are actually very high in calories. Fried food, flour and sweets, fast food and alcohol – you should not completely exclude them from the diet, but choose the minimum.

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Author: alex

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